Thor Ramsey: Homeschool

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From the DVD “Thou Shalt Laugh 2: The Deuce,” Thor Ramsey talks about homeschooling his daughter. DVD available on on Oct. 23; available everywhere Nov. 6.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

From the DVD “Thou Shalt Laugh 2: The Deuce,” Thor Ramsey talks about homeschooling his daughter. DVD available on on Oct. 23; available everywhere Nov. 6.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Question by lazymike37: I need info on how homeschooling Austic kids is more effective than the traditional classroom?
I can’t seem to find much info on how homeschooling is more effective than letting the Austic child go to a traditional classroom. Help would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by K
Gotta admit, I haven’t done much study on this as I don’t deal with an Autistic child. I am on a list, however, that deals with the home education of kids with varied special needs, from autism to OCD / ODD / NOS-PDD / Tourettes / Bi-Polar, etc. Most of those families didn’t start off homeschooling, they tried for years to go with the locally-provided classrooms. Many of them turned to homeschooling as a sort of last resort.

John Q Public kind of link on homeschooling special needs kids:

This is a link of studies / books / etc. using Google Scholar, and the words “homeschool autistic children.”

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